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The vision of the visually impaired Debashis government and his brother's vision of Ashish Government of the disabled disabled

The visually impaired Debasis Government and his brothers are visually impaired Ashish government, due to their poor eyesight, after studying till class nine, education was not possible. The homeopathy doctor spent a small amount of time working as a compounder for his little salary. At that time, social welfare department, city social welfare office, Kushtia, with the help of the people with disabilities, helped them to get the loan from the implementation sector and started a small grocery store in 2005 with a loan of 5000 / = (five thousand). The installment is paid by dividend. The second time in 007 again by raising the debt of 10000 / = (ten thousand), the business expanded the scope of the business and deposited the loan amount by dividend. In the third year 2012, 15000 / = (fifteen thousand) in the business more than the loan and spread the money by regular dividend. Currently, 20000 / - (twenty thousand) loan is requested for more business development and expansion. Their business in North North is progressing towards improvement. At present, they have around 80000 / = (eighty thousand) goods in their shop. They earn around Rs. 5000 / = (five thousand) to 7000 / = (seven thousand) profit from the shop every month. When the city's social services office did not give loans from Kushtia, they expressed their opinion that it could not be possible to manage this business for visually impaired people. They are very happy to get the help of social service. The prospect hopes that the other hinders of society, like their two sisters, can accept self-refinance by taking loans from social services.